Meet Our Staff

The Rev. Jason Owens is a native of Marietta, Georgia, and is currently serving as the Pastor at First Baptist Church in Norfolk, NE. Pastor Jason previously served Fork Baptist in Fork, SC as senior pastor. He separated from the USAF in 2013 where he served as a network intelligence analyst. He then served as Department of Defense contractor in Afghanistan, Maryland, Virginia, and Florida. Jason is a graduate of Liberty University (Go Flames!) where he completed his undergraduate work and seminary. He is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry through Andersonville Theological Seminary. Jason was ordained in 2021 by the Southern Baptist church. He is the logistics manager of “Love Worth Sharing International,” a ministry that since 1998 has educated and fed poverty-stricken children in Haiti. Pastor Jason has an adopted daughter currently in college in Florida.

Ashlee Novatny
Nursery Care Provider
Jonathan Montalvo
Worship Leader